Hi All,
Please take note of below cal intake during your CNY meal fest ! Average calories for male is 1800 - 2300 and female is around 1000 - 1500. Eat wisely and healthy.
Hainan chicken rice - 702 cal
Nasi lemak w/o chicken - 484 cal
Mee rebus - 556 cal
Mee siam - 500 cal
Laksa - 500 cal
Fried carrot cake - 467 cal
Fried Kuey Teow - 743 cal
Fried hokkien mee - 615 cal
Satay per stick (w/o saurce) - 130 cal
Curry fish - 288 cal
Rojak with saurce - 816 cal
Roti Pranta teluh - 289 cal
CNY Tibbits
Kuah Chi (1 biji) - 5cal [2 hours infront of TV muching is about 2,000 cal]
Peanut 100g - 460 cal
Bak Kuah per slice - 228 cal
Pudin per cup - 167 cal
Pringles 1 bottle - 1000 cal
Beef - 310 cal
Pork - 307 cal
Chicken - 134 cal
Fish - 160 cal
Duck- 183 cal
High Cal Fruits
Durian 5 biji - 400 cal
Drinks (Instant absorbing without digesting non Fiber type)
Bubble tea - 400 cal
Beer - 140 - 180 cal
Yeoh - 140 cal
Coke - 140 cal
Junk Food
Big Mac - 540 cal
Claypot rice - 850 cal
Major causes of overweight
- Food lover, supper insufficient time to digest thus, cal turns into fat
- Stressing type, when you're in stress state, your body will release a type of steroid hormone called cortisol produced by the adrenal grand. Its primary functions are to increase blood surgar through gluconeogenesis suppress the immune system; and aid in fat, protein and carbohydrate metabolism
- High calories intake, oily, grilled, fried and etc. You want what they are
- After pregnancy especially abdomen parts
- Love food, sedentary type, eat but no proper exercise
Gong Xi Fa Chai ! Happy Long Long 龍 Chinese New Year!