Tuesday, January 31, 2012

TRA Transformation Pack - RM 4,800 NOW

TRA Transformation Pack - Chocolate

A patented 3-month weight management program with world class supplements, exercise and nutrition that help you to meet your weight management goals in the most comprehensive, effective and safest approach.

Item No.
add to cart
add to aro cart
    • DuoLean x 6
    • Diene-O-Leen x 6
    • TRA Complex x 6
    • TrimShake (Chocolate) x 6
    • LifePak x 3
    • Dermatic Effects Body Contouring Lotion x 3
    • TRA Food Diary x 3
    • Pill Box x 1
    • TRA Blender Cup x 1


The TRA Success Principle
The 3 key Elements to maintain weight through a healthy lifestyle 

  1. The Right Products
  2. The Right Nutrition
  3. The Right Exercise

3C + Calcium Weight Loss Principle

Based on the <3C + Calcium> concept, a brand new Weight Management Program called TRA Weight Management Program was designed for personalizing weight loss. Products such as TRA complex help to cater to different needs to achieve better results in a healthier way.
1CControls Craving
2CControls Storage
3CControls Stress
CalciumEnhances Metabolism


The Right Approach
TRA is a patented weight management program for long-term weight control to help boost metabolism, reduce carbohydrate cravings, and maintain normal cortisol levels -
> U.S. Patent No. 7,476,406

TRA Concept

TRA - A proven combination of world class supplements, exercise, and nutrition that provides you with tools to meet your weight management goals in the most comprehensive, effective and safest approach.

The Right Products

Fighting FAT is the key to a healthy, long-term weight management program success formula!

TRA provides a well-balanced, multifaceted approach to weight management with the following mechanisms:
TRA Control Carbohydrate Cravings
TRA Control Stress
TRA Control Fats Storage
TRA Increase Metabolism

The Right Nutrition

Always follow the 3-3-3-3 Diet Principle: take 3 servings of Carbohydrates, 3 servings of Protein, 3 servings of Vegetables and 3 servings of Fruits.
One of the rules in successful weight management is DO NOT GO HUNGRY! It is recommended to eat more of high fiber and low fat food. Proper diet can promote fat burning and control fat storage in your body.

Consume plenty of macronutrients (proteins; carbohydrate; soluble fiber and fat) and micronutrient (antioxidants, vitamins and minerals) to achieve your weight management goal.

Fresh and color rich foods are high quality foods, processed and whitened foods are low quality foods. High quality foods are natural and healthier, assisting in your weight loss efforts.

The Right Exercise

Exercise can be as simple as walking, 15-30 minutes of jogging or taking the stairs instead of the elevator. You can also choose anything you like to do so long as you move yourself physically. Start to "MOVE" and see results!


Obesity vs. Your Health
The Truth about Overweight

Are you overweight? Do you understand the crisis of being overweight and obese?

  • 1 in 6 (16.3%) adult Malaysians are now rated obese under the guidelines issued by WHO.
  • 17.2% of Malays and 19.9% of Indians were obese compared to 12.1% of Chinese.
  • Obesity is posing a growing threat to the health of Malaysians.
  • Obesity rate has increased to 16.3% in 2006, from 5.8% in 1996.
  • In Malaysia, it is estimated that some 4.2 million people are obese.

Being obese does not only affect your appearance but can also cause serious health consequences. According to WHO, obesity has become another major epidemic besides AIDS & heart disease.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Daily Food Intake Tips- Basal Metabolic Rate, BMR (kcal/day)

Hi All,

Please take note of below cal intake during your CNY meal fest ! Average calories for male is 1800 - 2300 and female is around 1000 - 1500. Eat wisely and healthy.

Hainan chicken rice - 702 cal
Nasi lemak w/o chicken - 484 cal
Mee rebus - 556 cal
Mee siam - 500 cal
Laksa - 500 cal
Fried carrot cake - 467 cal
Fried Kuey Teow - 743 cal
Fried hokkien mee - 615 cal
Satay per stick (w/o saurce) - 130 cal
Curry fish - 288 cal
Rojak with saurce - 816 cal
Roti Pranta teluh - 289 cal

CNY Tibbits
Kuah Chi (1 biji) - 5cal [2 hours infront of TV muching is about 2,000 cal]
Peanut 100g - 460 cal
Bak Kuah per slice - 228 cal
Pudin per cup - 167 cal
Pringles 1 bottle - 1000 cal

Beef - 310 cal
Pork - 307 cal
Chicken - 134 cal
Fish - 160 cal
Duck- 183 cal

High Cal Fruits
Durian 5 biji - 400 cal

Drinks (Instant absorbing without digesting non Fiber type)
Bubble tea - 400 cal
Beer - 140 - 180 cal
Yeoh - 140 cal
Coke - 140 cal

Junk Food
Big Mac - 540 cal
Claypot rice - 850 cal

Major causes of overweight
- Food lover, supper insufficient time to digest thus, cal turns into fat
- Stressing type, when you're in stress state, your body will release a type of steroid hormone called cortisol produced by the adrenal grand. Its primary functions are to increase blood surgar through gluconeogenesis suppress the immune system; and aid in fat, protein and carbohydrate metabolism
- High calories intake, oily, grilled, fried and etc. You want what they are
- After pregnancy especially abdomen parts
- Love food, sedentary type, eat but no proper exercise

Gong Xi Fa Chai ! Happy Long Long 龍 Chinese New Year!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Nu Skin Enterprises

Hoover's Company Profiles:

Nu Skin Enterprises, Inc.


Contact Information
Nu Skin Enterprises, Inc.
75 W. Center St.
Provo, UT 84601
UT Tel. 801-345-1000
Toll Free 800-487-1000
Fax 800-487-8000

Type: Public

On the web: http://www.nuskinenterprises.com/

Employees: 5,054

Employee growth: (43.2%)
Multilevel marketer Nu Skin Enterprises keeps itself busy exfoliating and polishing. It offers 200-plus personal care products, including cleansers, toners, and anti-aging skin care products, through a global network of some 800,000 independent distributors, sales reps, and preferred customers. It also sells cosmetics, fragrances, hair care items, and mouthwash. Nu Skin has its foot in the door in some 50 global markets, including cherished China. Its Pharmanex unit sells LifePak nutritional supplements. Its Big Planet subsidiary offers personal and small-business technology and communications products, as well as Internet and long-distance services. Nu Skin was founded in 1984 by its Chairman Blake Roney.
Key numbers for fiscal year ending December, 2010:

Sales: $1,537.3M

One year growth: 15.5%

Net income: $136.1M

Income growth: 51.4%

Chairman: Blake M. Roney
President, CEO, and Director: M. Truman Hunt
VP and CFO: Ritch N. Wood

Read more: http://www.answers.com/topic/nu-skin-enterprises-inc#ixzz1jba5Safz

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Right Approach

TRA: The Right Approach

Lose Weight Right, Trim For Life 

The TRA advantage

  • NO SIDE EFFECTS (Guaranteed)
  • HEALTHIER After Weight Loss
Don’t wait anymore! You can have the healthy slim body you deserve!
Call us for a FREE preview of our TRA Weight Management Guarantee Class !

Your TRA Consultant,
June Ng

+6019 - 2606 286Laikwan.ng@gmail.com

AgeLoc R2 from Nuskin_Pharmanex
